Scar Symmetry: “Belarus seems great!” Interview

Scar Symmetry: “Belarus seems great!” InterviewJust a few hours before the Scar Symmetry show in Minsk, the correspondents of the Belarusian metal music portal met with the band’s drummer Henrik Ohlsson (H) and vocalist Roberth Karlsson (R) and questioned them about their new album, tour impressions, and inspirations.

– Hey guys! How is your mood today?

H: – Fine.

R: – Great, thanx.

– On behalf of Belarusian metal community, welcome to Belarus! Can you share your impressions of your Eastern European tour? What’s your aftertaste after the shows in Russia?

H: – It was amazing. The fans were amazing. And the shows were really great. I thought it would be really good, but it was even better.

– How did your Russian fans meet you?
– They were really crazy! In Moscow they were really insane!

– Do you usually find time to meet with your fans before or after concerts?

– Yes, we always walk out and speak to those who want to speak to us, before and after. There was a signing session in Moscow as well.

R: – It was 1 hour 15 minutes. Quite a long time, isn’t it?!

– Will a signing session take place in Minsk as well?

H: –I don’t know. We can do it. But normally we do not decide.

– How do you spend your free time during the tour? Do you go sightseeing or just spend your time in hotels?

–Both, we try to sightsee a bit. Sometimes you do not have time for it, because you have to leave, for it’s a sound check or something like that. But usually we get to see a couple of streets anyway.

– Have you managed to go out somewhere, I mean in Minsk? Some bars or something?

R: –No, not in Minsk.

H: –We’ve just came here.

– Any funny moments you can remember that happened to you during that tour or others?

R: – There is always some funny crazy staff.

H: – Some things are really embarrassing, so it’s not something you want to talk about.

– Tell us please about the band Pursuing The End that accompanies you on the tour. Were they chosen by the band’s members or by the management?

– Management, I guess, because we do not have anything to do with it.

– Сan you tell us about your relationship with them? How do you get along with each other?

R: – They are very easy-going. Really nice.

H: – We get to know them more and more with each day. We’ve played together just twice, and it’s going to be the third time.

– What music do you guys usually listen to? What musicians or bands have impact on your music?

R: – We listen to every kind of music, mostly hard rock and metal.

– What are your most unexpected musical preferences?

H: –As far as the things that influence our music are concerned, it’s certainly Nick Kershaw.

– What last year releases impressed you most?

R: – I think Satyricon.

H: – Carcass.

– Сould you please introduce your guitarist Benjamin who is replacing Per on this tour?

H: –He’s the guy we met on the tour in England, he played in our opening band. It’s called Bloodshot Dawn. He’s really good. He’s been inspired by Per. 50 percent of his playing sounds like Per. We’ve invited him to replace Per because he’s one of the few who can do it.

– How long did it take him to learn all the repertoire? Have you rehearsed a lot before the tour?

– No, not a lot. It took him 2 weeks to learn all the songs. Because he’s a quick learner. We’ ve rehearsed like one day, so he’s done a really great job. He played like a guitar hero.

– How is Per doing at the moment.

R: – He’s Ok. He’s at home now, because he should take care of his family.

– As we know, the new album of the Singularity trilogy is devoted to the theme of transhumanism. Why have you chosen this topic?

H: – Because it’s interesting. It resonates with what we’ve done before, just with a different twist.
We wanted to expand on the theme, that’s why we’ve decided to split it up in three albums. Each part will be devoted to a particular aspect of the topic.

– At what stage is your work on the new album?

H: – The release date isn’t known yet, because we haven’t finished the album yet. We almost there. I think there’s some third of that left.

R: – Per is working on it right now. I do not know how much he’s done since we left.

– Will there be any changes in sound and style and will the album be experimental or, on the contrary, embody all the developments of the previous releases?

H: – I think it’s pretty experimental actually. A little bit different.

R: – More progressive.

H: – It sounds a little bit different, but the core of the sound is still there.

– How have you managed to invent your formula of success, I mean, a crazy mixture of clean vocals, harsh vocals, huge synthesizers and all the stuff?

– We had no idea what we should be playing or how it would sound, when the band started. We’ve just started playing something and just came to that thing.

– Where do you draw ideas from? What inspires your music and lyrics most?

– Everything from 80s heavy metal to death metal, and such things as conspiracy theories and new sciences that has been previously rejected, when it comes to lyrics.

– What are your expectations of the upcoming gig in the Re:public‏ club‏?‏

– It’s going to be really great. We’ve got some 200 presales. I think that everything gonna be good tonight.

– And the last thing, could you say something to your Belarusian fans?

– Hello Belarusian fans, we love you of course. And your country seems great. We gonna enjoy the show tonight. So I hope to see you there. We hope to see you there. Yeah, cheers!

– My best wishes to you guys! Have a great time! And I hope to see you in Minsk with a new album soon! Lycka till!

Vera V, Dmitry Bulanov